Money Market Funds invest in short-term T-Bills, bank deposits and commercial papers with objective of capital preservations and reasonable income. Minimum rating requirement is AA and the maximum average maturity of is 90 days and maximum single asset maturity is 6 months.
The objective of Income funds is to seek a high level of current income and preserve inflation adjusted value. This objective is tried to be met through Government Bonds (PIBs) and corporate bonds (TFCs / corporate Sukuks in Pakistan), normally. Minimum requirement of cash & equivalents is 25%. Maximum average maturity other than Government Securities is 4 years
A Capital Protected Fund is a type of mutual fund that normally seeks to protect at least the initial investment made by an investor, if the units in the Fund are held for the specified term.
An Asset Allocation scheme may invest its net assets in any asset class (stocks, money markets and bonds etc.) at any time up to 90%. Minimum requirement of cash & equivalents is 10%. The objective of this scheme is to provide downside protection along with upside potential.
MAn Asset Allocation scheme may invest its net assets in any asset class (stocks, money markets and bonds etc.) at any time up to 90%. Minimum requirement of cash & equivalents is 10%. The objective of this scheme is to provide downside protection along with upside potential.
A fund of funds is an investment strategy of holding a portfolio of other mutual funds rather than investing directly in shares, bonds or other securities.
An equity fund is a mutual fund that invests primarily in stocks (at least 70% and maximum of 100%) and remaining assets in T-bills and bank deposits.