Financial Goals Calculator
Future value of your investment!
If you invest Rs. {{numberWithCommas(pv_input)}} today and make {{freq_lookup[pmt_freq]}} investments of Rs. {{numberWithCommas(pmt_input)}} regularly, you will achieve Rs. {{numberWithCommas(fv_calc)}} after {{fv_time}} year(s) at {{rate}}% (per year return).
Regular investments required to meet your Goals
Your current savings are adequate to reach your target (Desired Future Amount) of Rs. {{numberWithCommas(fv_input)}} after {{fv_time}} year(s) at {{rate}}% (per year return) without making any regular contributions
You should invest Rs. {{numberWithCommas(pmt_calc)}} regularly on {{freq_lookup[pmt_freq]}} basis to achieve your target amount of Rs. {{numberWithCommas(fv_input)}} in {{fv_time}} year(s) at {{rate}}% (per year return).
Lump sum investment required to meet your Goals
Your {{freq_lookup[pmt_freq]}} contributions of Rs. {{numberWithCommas(pmt_input)}} are adequate to reach your target (Desired Future Amount) of Rs. {{numberWithCommas(fv_input)}} after {{fv_time}} year(s) at {{rate}}% (per year return) and without making any Present Investment.
You should invest Rs. {{numberWithCommas(pv_calc)}} today and regularly invest {{freq_lookup[pmt_freq]}} Rs. {{numberWithCommas(pmt_input)}} to achieve Rs. {{numberWithCommas(fv_input)}} in {{fv_time}} year(s) at {{rate}}% (per year return).