NBP Fixed Term Munafa Plan – II

NBP Fixed Term Munafa Plan – II


Investment Objective of the Plan:

To provide investors with potentially higher returns, for fixed tenure by investing primarily in Fixed Income instruments for a specific duration of time.

Key Benefits

  • Fixed Return & Preservation of investment amount at maturity
  • Ideal for Short term placement
  • Attractive Returns as compared to peers and other investment avenues
  • No Front-End Load.
  • Professional management of your savings by expert Fund Managers with a proven track record.

Choose this Plan if you want

  • Fixed Return & Preservation of investment amount at maturity
  • Attractive Returns as compared to peers & other investment avenues
  • Suitable for investors with very low risk appetite
Fund Facts
Subscription Period April 26, 2023 to May 03, 2023
IPO Date May 03, 2023
Category Open Ended Fixed Rate / Return
Risk Profile Very Low / Principal at very low risk
Expected Fixed Return 20.7%* p.a.
Initial Maturity Up to 3 Months
Minimum Investment Amount Rs. 3,000,000 & above
Minimum Redemption Amount Rs. 3,000,000 or full investment balance
Dealing Days & Cut Off Time During Subscription period: Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM
During life of plan: Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Benchmark The benchmark of NFTMP – II shall be 3 Months PKRV Rates at the time of plan launch
Management Fees Up to 2% of the average Daily Net Asset Value
Pricing Mechanism Forward Pricing
Front End Load 0%
Contingent Load ** Contingent load shall be charged on redemption prior to initial maturity and shall commensurate with net loss incurred due to Early Redemption, as determined by the Management Company.
Asset Management Rating AM1 by PACRA (Very High Quality)

*The expected fixed return mentioned above will be applicable from the launch date of the plan to the maturity date. The actual fixed return to be offered by the plan during this period will be determined at the time of launch of plan, which may vary from the expected return based on capital market conditions.
**Early redemption is subject to contingent load which shall commensurate net loss incurred due to early redemption prior to initial/subsequent maturities and taxes as described in the Offering Documents of the fund.
Category: Open end Collective Investment Fixed rate/ return Scheme; Risk profile /Risk of Principal Erosion: Very low/Principal at very low risk. Management fee: Up to 8% of the gross earnings of the scheme, calculated on a daily basis, subject to minimum of 0.15% of the average daily net assets of the scheme. (Note: Performance is net of management fee and all other expenses based on dividend reinvestment and gross of with holding taxes where applicable). The plan is managed under NBP Mustahkam Fund. Minimum Investment Amount is Rs. 3,000,000 & above; Minimum Redemption amount is lower of Rs. 3,000,000 or full investment value. Risk Disclaimer: All Investments in Mutual Fund are subject to market risks. The investors are advised in their own interest to carefully read the contents of the Offering Document, in particular the Investment Policies mentioned in clause 2, Risk Factors mentioned in clause 2.9, taxation policies mentioned in clause 7 and warnings in clause 9 before making any investment decision. The use of the name and logo of National Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it. Fixed return is on a net basis; any tax deduction will be the responsibility of the unit holders. Returns may include proceeds in the form of gross cash dividend during the Life of Plan and amount paid on redemption of units at maturity.